View Full Version : Snake Cabinet and Materials for Sale

08-11-06, 09:50 AM
Hello All,

I am clearing out all of my rubbermaids, aquariums and this large snake cabinet. Anything not sold by August 20th, will be going in my garage sale. I have a lot of medium and small rubbermaids. I have stainless steel rods and aluminum tubing for making probe kits and the materials for making an aluminum rack system. There are a number of 15 gallon aquariums in various conditions.

The cabinet shown below was desiged by a cabinet maker about four years ago. It has individual covered lights in four of the five sections, controlled by a dimmer switch. Each section can be divided into two as shown. I paid $500 for it at the time, but I will take any reasonable offer as it does not fit in my new house. Thus, the sooner someone can get it, the better shape it will be in. Please email me at jkelly0@ca.lenovo.com or call me at (416) 429-6695.

Thank you