View Full Version : hiya

08-06-06, 01:30 AM
hi. new to this site. been a snake lover for years their my favorite animals. i had a pet snake years ago but i just got back into keeping a pet snake recently. heres a pic of my snake i have now. his name is Savage and he's a brown rat snake.


i also breed my own feeder mice for him.

08-06-06, 10:45 AM
Hi and welcome. It's cool you breed your own food, I should get back into it. I have 4 snakes and it costs me around $20-30 a week to feed!

08-06-06, 06:59 PM
Awesome snake welcome to the forums!

Grim Reaper
08-08-06, 12:26 AM
Hey, welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!! :medcomcic

Grim Reaper
08-08-06, 12:38 AM
Hi and welcome. It's cool you breed your own food, I should get back into it. I have 4 snakes and it costs me around $20-30 a week to feed!

I also breed my own mice, but they don't want to hump. One of them had babies only once this year and that was about 2 months ago. How can I encourage them to........ (My snakes loved 'em pinkies!!!)