View Full Version : can anyone identify my snake please ?

ralph bates
07-29-06, 02:23 AM
hi, i live in the uk, i bought my snake at a reptile exhibition 8 years ago, unfortunately i have lost the information that i wrote down regarding the species, is anyone able to identify it please ?

07-29-06, 09:49 AM
Can you try posting the pictures again? It doesnt seem to me working.

07-29-06, 10:47 AM
The pictures have to be linked from a hosting site like photobucket.com.

ralph bates
07-29-06, 04:12 PM

07-29-06, 05:32 PM
Looks like a rat snake; I'd say a Texas rat from those pictures.

ralph bates
07-30-06, 12:51 AM
thanx for the suggestion DaemoNox , it's interesting because there are definitely similarities between my snake and the rat snake however i personally think there are subtle differences regarding the shape of the head and mouth, also if my snake is a rat snake i would expect it to be bigger for an 8yr old - the photo is quite recent, i haven't measured the snake but i would estimate it to be around 2ft long and the girth is quite slender.
i feel sure i would recognise the name of the species when i see it written in front of me but of course it's always possible that the species was wrongly identified by the person who sold it to me...

08-05-06, 04:41 PM
Reminds me of an Egyptian ratsnake.

ralph bates
08-07-06, 12:09 AM
thanks for your suggestion Crimsonking, i've tried to research and from the relatively small amount of stuff available on the internet it does appear that your suggestion is a good one, the characteristics are much the same, lots of hissing , tail wagging and strikes, having said that it's quite a relaxed snake once it has been picked up