View Full Version : Thought this could use a boost

07-05-06, 01:51 AM
Some of you may or may not remember me,I used to be that crazy cali king keeper in Manitoba lol

Well, some life events came up as they tend to do, and My Cali king collection went from 20 + down to 5.

Over the past few months, i have became interested in tarantula's and now my collection is up to 12 :D

OK less blab more pics....

Avicularia avicularia



Kinda reminds me of pipe cleaners :D

Aphonopelma seemanni



Grammostola rosea


Pterinochilus murinus



Haplopelma lividum, stil in shipping container


Lasiodora parahybana, 4" female, in shipping container, and pre-molt


Lasiodora parahybana, 7" female, taken with a camera phone.... sorry, but that is a quarter beside her for reference.


I have in total, 2 L. parahybana, 4 P. murinus, 3 A. seemanni ( two 1/2" slings ), 1 G. rosea, 1 H. lividum, and 1 A. avicularia.

I'm going down to texas for arachnocon, www.arachnocon.info it should be a blast :D Collecting trips and lectures... On my stop in winnipeg on the way back home, i am also picking up some more tarantula's to add to the collection.

Hope you enjoyed my blabbering and most of all the pictures!!

07-05-06, 04:09 PM
Man those things give me the willies.I'd rather get bit by a big boa than pick one of those up..lol...

07-05-06, 07:06 PM
thats an awesome T collection! i love spiders and Ts but i hate getting crickets so i doubt ill ever own any. ill probably just stick to the snakes:)

07-06-06, 09:21 AM
Do you ever buy Ts online? Do any of the sites also sell mantids?
I am trying to find breeders of mantis species.

I would like to find some source of at least one of these species:
Creobroter gemmatus
Phyllocrania paradoxa
Deroplatys desiccata
Deroplatys Lobata
Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii
Hymenopus Coronatus

I used to catch chinese, carolina, and european mantises in late july and in august, keep them as pets, breed them, then the next spring release thier babies. That was when I was a kid. Now that I breed my own food insects I figured I could try keeping some of the more exotic ones and raise them through their entire life cycle. The only problem is I only know of one online source www.mantiskingdom.com and they rarely have any for sale that I can see.

07-09-06, 12:56 PM
lindze, wait till you get your babies from me :)

nice pictures :)