View Full Version : poor little bugger

06-27-06, 12:02 PM
well, my weather loach got out night b4 last, found him 10 or so hours later cruisin around behind my dresser, cleaned him off, re-opened his gills, put him back in the tank... he looked dead for a while...then he was doin good for a few hours, then he started thrashing around the tank and since last night hes been upside down, but breathing at the top of the tank....not quite sure what to do next, anyone have any suggestions?

06-28-06, 12:46 AM
I know this reply might be too late but I figured I might as well go forth with it. The only thing I can think of, is that it isnt getting enough oxygen. When we had to do this project for school, we had to go out to the local ponds and collect specimens of local wildlife. On our way back home, our fish started floating upside-down, eventhough they were obviously still alive. When we brough it to our teacher's attention, he said it was because they werent getting enough oxygen. So... I guess maybe from being out that long, it's body lost the ability to absorb enough needed oxygen.

06-28-06, 11:27 AM
Lack of oxygen to the brain causes brain damage. If it is still alive & all "screwed up" I would euthanize, Mark

06-28-06, 09:28 PM
he finally went to the bottom of the tank about 2 hours after i posted, the littler one hung around him for a few hours and he finally died:(, thanx to all that replied tho, i was really considering "euthanizing" him

06-28-06, 11:02 PM
Always sucks to lose a pet :( Mark