View Full Version : Liquidating some breeding stock

06-06-06, 05:44 PM
I have some snakes up for sale that are part of my breeding stock I no longer have the room for them. They are as follows:

0.1 Ball Python (approx 5').....................................$150-175
1.1 Texas Ratsnakes (approx 6' each)...................$250-300/pr w/ custom tank
1.1 Royal Diadem Ratsnakes (approx 4.5' each)....$350-400/pr

Pics available for some upon request. All these animals are sexually mature and would be a great addition to any collection. Prices MAY be negotiable.

If interested pm me here or e-mail me at stevesemerko@hotmail.com

You can also call me after 6pm ONLY @ (705)768-0595
