View Full Version : !!! Geckos Available for the Expo !!!

06-05-06, 05:51 PM
Geckoboy's Geckos

Stop by my table this Sunday at the Ontario Reptile Expo and check out some unique are rare geckos you won't find anywhere else.

Available for the Expo:

0.7.0 Baby Leopard Gecko - CB 2006, Wide Full Stripe (through tail as well)

3.0.2 Australian Velvet Gecko - Oedura monilis - CB 2005/2006

0.0.3 Tiger Gecko - Pachydactylus tigrinus - CB 2006

0.0.9 Pictus Gecko - Paroedura pictus - CB 2006

0.0.2 Giant Day Gecko - Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis - CB 2006

1.0.0 Fantoed Gecko - Ptyodactylus guttatus - CB 2006

0.0.1 Crested Gecko - Rhacodactylus ciliatus - CB 2006

1.2.0 Giant Frog Eye Gecko - Teratoscincus keyserlingii - CB breeding trio

0.1.0 Tibetan Frog Eye - Teratoscincus roborowskii - LTC

0.0.6 Australian Thicktail/Barking Gecko - Underwoodisaurus milii - CB 2006

Please email me to reserve an animal for pickup at the Expo or for pictures/more info:

Check out my webpage for tons of pictures!!!
