View Full Version : is the female gravid?

05-23-06, 10:53 AM
hi, haven't been on here in a long time. well I bought 2 proven breeders from riverbendreptiles here. he didn't mind selling them due to making space for large boids (reticulated python breeding). The species of snake is the brooksi kingsnake. True brooks but he thought that the female was gravid again due to missing a meal. Mr.Barnes is a respected breeder, and has bred these pair. I just wanted to get that threw. But here is my question,

well the female has been very chunky lately, a lot thicker then the larger male (not really but just width length ratio) and the tail goes down at a sharper angle, if that makes sense. But we (me and mr.Barnes) were not 100% sure if she was pregnant or not so I put a f/t baby rabbit in there. she gobbled it up VERY quickly. well sorry about being uninformed but I was just curious if pregnant snakes could eat or I remember reading that pregnant snakes wouldn't eat...


forgot to add that she is about to shed and was wondering if she is pregnant that could this be the pre-laying shed?