View Full Version : Cage Help!!!

04-23-06, 03:28 PM
I have a few questions. I just bought a 3 week year old Ball Python today. How should i set up the cage. I am worried that it's not warm enough. Right now i have a heating pad on one side of cage with a thermomiter. It is currently 78 degrees. How can i make it warmer and how do you all set up your enclosers?

04-24-06, 02:58 AM

An ambient temp of 82 to 85 is recommended.Keep one site of your cages moist.
And try to give him 2 hide places. And don't pick him up to mucht until he's eating well.

Good luck with your ball.p

Gr Ray.

04-24-06, 06:07 AM
Hi...You'll want 2 hides, one for the cool side and one for the warm. The warm side should be 90-95 and the cool side should be 80-85. You'll need an accurate way to measure temps such as a digital thermometer or temp gun. Those stick ons they sell at pet stores are crap and can be off by about 20 degrees. If you are using a UTH, I would also recommend a thermostat. The UTHs can get too hot without one and burn your snake if you aren't careful. Like Ray said, keep handling to a minimum in the beginning. He'll need time to get adjusted to his new home and handling can stress them. Once he's eating regularly, you can start handling more, although never right after eating or during the blue phase of a shed. This is my female's enclosure to give you an idea. She's in a 75 gallon, which normally I would say is too big, but she's a freak and doesn't seem to realize she's a BP and is supposed to hide lol. For a snake as young as yours, offer plenty of cover so he feels secure. Good luck.

04-25-06, 07:56 PM
Hi, I just want to make sure I'm doing this right. Ok, I have one UTH and plan to get a thermostat ASAP but I cant find on anywhere!!!! :ashes: And there is nothing on the other side. Now the average temp on the warm side is about 85 and on the cool side it is about 74. It wont get any higher than that. Do i need to have an UTH on both sides but add an additonal heat lamp on the warm side? Any suggestions??
Here's a Pic of my baby and his enclosure:



04-25-06, 07:59 PM
ARRRGGGGG!!!!!!! I deleted all the good pics of his enclosure!!! Anyway....Sorry for the lack of pics.

04-25-06, 10:31 PM
Dark long hair? snake lover?

Edmond Y
04-25-06, 11:26 PM
Since your warm side is only 85 degree and is still a little low. If your temperture was measure on top of the bedding than you can reduce the thickness of the bedding so that the temperture will rise up. and you can also insulate three side of the tank as well as cover half of the top, it can also keep nice and warm inside.
You have a very nice set up and your ball look nice.


04-25-06, 11:43 PM
Pfffffffff i still don't get it if you first by a snake and then think about your cage setup.People before you by READ READ READ ABOUT Bp's first

When you purchase your first snake your cage setup must be ready 2 weeks before you get your snake.

Gr Ray.:thumbsup: