View Full Version : BallPython Squishy Johnson

04-08-06, 02:12 PM
Hey guys im new to the world of snakes,,,

i love it though already ,, i had a chameleon in the tank i have but now since she died i got a snake instead.


She isnt eating,, its been 2 weeks, i think she is getting hungry because i see her sometimes with just her head out the hidebox standing still.. i think she is hungry so i unfroze a mouse and tied a string on its tail and left it dangling all night ,, woke up and the mouse was still there....

any ideas?

Also i did notice some of her scales red, like there is blood in between the scales,, what does that mean,, does she have mites? i have checked and nothing...nobody can tell me if it has mites...and i dont see any....

i did put neosporan on her everywhere except the head, well where ever i saw red.

i will take pics later and post them,,,

any help would be appreciated...

Edmond Y
04-08-06, 04:45 PM
Two weeks not eat is not a problem, but the scale that you mention is not good.
Did she look like this when you buy her? How old is she and what is the temperture inside the tank?

Hope she get better very soon.