View Full Version : indented eye cap

04-06-06, 11:00 PM
I have a problem going on. My lemon pastel is going through shed and I noticed that his right eye is indented. I have been keeping snakes for about three years now and never experience this. How should I handle it. My het pieds have shed twice for me since I have had them with no problems so I don't know what is wrong.heres a pic. you can hardly see it, you have to really look to see it. It is small but I'm still worried. the pic sucks but you can kind of see it.

Edmond Y
04-07-06, 02:40 AM
If she haven't shed yet, than a cloudly eye is normal. If she already shed the skin and remain an eye cap, it will come off at next shed. But most of the time is the light reflection make you feel there are a cap on the eye. I did it once.


04-07-06, 11:50 AM
An indented eye could be do to dehydration.. Try giving it a soak for a couple min.
