View Full Version : Water dragons

04-05-06, 11:55 AM
So I'm looking for a nice beginner lizard, and I've heard a European water dragon is a very resilient little guy, and very easy to take care of. I'd like to know what I'd need to look for - good breeders, cages [i currently only have a 10-gal, not nearly big enough], etc. to get started. I live in Kenton county, in Kentucky; Cincinnati area.

Also, if you think this is a bad choice for a first lizard, please let me know. Danke.

04-28-06, 12:01 AM
Im assuming your talking of the Green Water Dragon?

But I have only kept a few, and they seemed easily to take care of and theyre decently hardy...but they need alot of room to run//roam. They are very active...and a large water bowl//area is something I would recommend.

If you want a cool lizard...check out Bearded Dragons. They tame pretty easily Ive heard, and seem to enjoy relax when theyre older making them easy to handle. Most likely alot better than my decently sized iguana that enjoys scratching and struggling quite abit..

Any other ?'s just PM me I suppose...
