View Full Version : Passing Wind

04-03-06, 05:51 PM
Does anybody know if ball pythons pass wind? Lately I've heard alot of "flatulating" coming from my ball pythons tank. High pitched sqeaks mostly. How normal is this?

*Hot side = 90 deg.
*Cool side = 80 deg.
Two hides
Jungle bedding

04-04-06, 06:56 AM
Uhh I don't think I've ever heard my BPs fart, unless they did and blamed it on the dog lol. Are you sure it's coming from that end?

04-04-06, 09:16 AM
I have only had my bp for a couple months now and although i don't hear it every now and then when holding her I get a strong scent of her poo but she isn't going andI know its not her skin or anything. I figured thats what it is. Its the only logical explanation I can think of. Plus the odor lasts only for a brief minute then its gone.:toilet:

04-04-06, 02:03 PM
All animals have to pass gas. But I doubt a BP would make noise when doing it.

04-04-06, 05:13 PM
I too find it quite strange. I've had my ball for a year now and never have heard it either, but lately there have been some what you could say, fart like squeaking comming from his side of the tank. And sometimes he even comes out for a bit, like stretching, and then the noise happends, and he returns to his cave. I've only heard this 3 times so far and only just this one time between a 4 day period.

04-05-06, 01:15 AM
I too find it quite strange. I've had my ball for a year now and never have heard it either, but lately there have been some what you could say, fart like squeaking comming from his side of the tank. And sometimes he even comes out for a bit, like stretching, and then the noise happends, and he returns to his cave. I've only heard this 3 times so far and only just this one time between a 4 day period.

If this is the case, I would consider a vet visit as it probably is a parasite issue. Parasites in the intestinal tract will often give snakes the "gurgles" and smelly feces. Easily fixed ususally with the right de-parasiter meds. Have never hear the sounds personally but have when a vet was inspecting the intestinal tract of a python with a physical exam and he was manually pressing the snake's belly.

Hope this helps


04-05-06, 06:28 AM
Is snake poo not supposed to smell? My snakes poo sure isn't pleasant. So if it smells there is a good chance it has parasites?

04-05-06, 09:10 AM
Is snake poo not supposed to smell? My snakes poo sure isn't pleasant. So if it smells there is a good chance it has parasites?

It shouldn't smell REALLY strong. It has a distinct odour. If it is quite overwhelming, escpecially on contact with him/her and you notice it like a musk, probably has a parasite issue. Most snakes do if there is any chance of it being wild caught. All of mine have had a dose of Panacure when they first come to me. Again, check with a vet.

04-17-06, 03:04 PM
I have some that fart, usually while taking a poo there is gas released too, at least that is what i have happen anyway. If I hear it I know I'll be cleaning someones cage right away. Doesn't happen often but occasionally.

Also the longer they wait between poops the smellier it seems to be. Again just my experience.

05-15-06, 11:05 AM
Have you confirmed that these noises are coming from the back end? The first thing I thought was the snake could have a respiratory infection.