View Full Version : Possible careers?

04-01-06, 12:26 AM
I am in the US, and I am interested in going to college for herpetology or some type of animal science.

Next year I am attending a community college for my basic courses [you have to take them anywhere you go, and this way its CHEAP,] then transferring to a University.

Can anyone lead me in the direction of a good college for what I have stated?

Thanks in advance,


04-05-06, 09:20 PM
I am currently a biology major at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) because it is cheap (I pay $5-7k per year for about 8-9 classes). After I get the biology degree I will go to gainesville FL for my vet degree. Im sure they would also have a herpetology program. Other than that I really dont know, sorry. If you can email Bob Clark, the famous python breeder, and see where he went to college. I remember reading somewhere that he got a herpetology degree right before he hatched the first albino burmese python.

04-05-06, 09:40 PM
you go to my school :thumbsup: