View Full Version : quick question

king nick
03-30-06, 09:13 PM
just wondering, i were to compare two boas of the same size and opposite sex would he male have a longer tail?

03-30-06, 09:40 PM
You could do that and get a good guess, but if you wanted to be positive I would probe them. But like you said usally the male will have a long tail than the female.:medbigsmi

03-31-06, 06:33 AM
You could do that and get a good guess, but if you wanted to be positive I would probe them. But like you said usally the male will have a long tail than the female.:medbigsmi

Agree entirely. Only way to know for sure is to get a probe done. I have definitely experienced the tail-sexing method and it seems about 75% accurate, in my experiences. But, it is a good guess as any. You would just need a largeer population of animals to really make a good comparison to be at all sure.