View Full Version : New style of "cage"

Greg West
03-27-06, 09:54 AM
Well I am finially done this "cage" and not a minute too soon. The "cage" is for our new addition that h should be here in the next week or so. I am glad I am done, but it was an awesome project and I learned a lot. Hope you all like it. All comments welcome and appreciated.


Drawing I started out with
Final outcome

03-27-06, 10:02 AM
Congratulations on the addition to your collection. That's a nice design. Should work fine for any non-arboreals. The open top makes for easy access when it's time for feeding or handling. I have used a similar design in the past, and was pretty happy with it. Good luck.

Greg West
03-27-06, 10:05 AM
LOL, I thought the design might work. Once older I might have to put a top on it to limit the escaping, but we will see :D

03-27-06, 02:22 PM
It's beautiful! I think that the new addition will be very happy in that enviroment!

03-27-06, 04:29 PM
Beautiful workmanship, how long did it take? Congrats on your new addition although I am afraid your crickets may get out of that enclosure rather easily...LOL

Greg West
03-27-06, 04:54 PM
Did't really pay attention to how long it took to complete. It took since January, but I usually only worked on it 1 day per week on the weekend. Thanks for the comments everyone.


04-08-06, 11:37 PM
so are we talking a snake or a baby...lol just wondered never seen a crib like cage before...:)

04-08-07, 03:10 PM
Congratulations on the addition to your collection. That's a nice design. Should work fine for any non-arboreals. The open top makes for easy access when it's time for feeding or handling. I have used a similar design in the past, and was pretty happy with it. Good luck.

Congrats on your new addition and I hope to see you at the Edmonton spring show 2007

04-08-07, 04:03 PM
Congratulations Greg,

You will have to post pictures of the new addition. The cage...I mean crib is sweet.


04-16-07, 12:16 AM
Congrats, you might want to start working on the lid now, cuz if you only spend one day a week working on it, by the time its done you'll be just about ready to need it! LOL

Greg West
04-17-07, 02:23 PM
Man this thread is over a year old. Thanks for the comments guys. The "animal" seems to quite enjoy her cage.


04-18-07, 05:43 AM
hey greg.. what rendering software do you use..

Greg West
05-15-07, 10:02 PM
I used autocadd for this. I have started using solidworks as well but still would rather use autocadd

06-02-07, 04:21 PM
Just be careful of nose rubs on the front........LOL......;)
