View Full Version : need help to identify

03-20-06, 07:13 PM
I don't know if I am in the right place to ask, but I have a question. and if anyone can help i would appreciate it. I rescued an abused snake. However, I have no idea what i rescued neither does the person that had it. I haven't handled it because i don't know what it is. The snake is yellow with a black head. I have looked everywhere i can think of and can't find anything to help. PLEASE help if you can. Thanks, Jacqueline

03-20-06, 07:53 PM
Pictures would help greatly.. If possible


Tony Paxton
03-20-06, 07:55 PM
Hey, good job on taking in the poor lil guy. But if you want our help identifing him a pic would be helpful :) And if you cant atleast a more detailed description ( markings, size, ect....) Tony