View Full Version : ceramic light fixtures

Them and Us
12-12-02, 09:46 AM
i see that a lot of you have stackable cages with ceramic light fixtures mounted on the inside of the enclosure covered with a mesh box. well how you do you were them. can you just wire them into a cord and plug them into an outet? i was told by an old man at the corner hardware shop that it was impossible to do that but then i see it here. can anyone tell me what to do here? i want to build four stackable cages soon probably january and I'm hunting for materials now. thanks. also in stackable cages is it best to place heat tape on the bottem or a heat pad? or should i wire heat tapealong the back of the enclosures? thanks again and for the final time ha.

12-12-02, 01:02 PM
Yeah, it's pretty much just that easy...... they have a few different styles to chose from but are all only a buck or 2, and attach with 2 simple screws.

I've never used heat tape but I don't think it would work out to well if placed on the back of the enclosures, could be wrong though but my common sense knows heat rises so I would guess the bottom of the enclosure would be best.

Indiana Jones???? why? I'd be Hugh Hefner :D

12-12-02, 01:57 PM
I wired all my own cages and I'm in the process of stacking them and building more. Are you asking how to mount and wire them? If so this is how i did it. I got a light box(hexagon) and a receptilce box(not te kind ment for drywall). I also bought some NMD90(wire) a power tool replacement cord and a cheap dimmer. I mounted the box inside(of course) and mounted the receptilce box on the side i wanted the dimmer to be on then i ran the replacement power tool corrd out the bottom(make sure you get a grounded one if possible. Now i have all my cages on dimmers so i have nice temp control. I hope this was what you were asking because i wasn't sure what you were asking. :)

Bryan Self
12-12-02, 10:52 PM
You can use flexwatt on the bottom of melimine. You just need to leave a air gap. If you cut 1/8 in. wood into 4 in. strips and place on both end for a four foot cage and one in the middle for a 6 footers. This allows for enough air movement so it will not overheat. Of course you still need a thermostat with it but it works great.

12-13-02, 12:14 PM
I wired all my cages. It is really simple just buy enough cord to run all of your lights cut it to the lenghts you want and if you buy 16-2 wire it will have to wire to it and on the back of the fixture it will have two screws that simple then wire it to the dimmer and buy some plug and that is it. if you look on my post 'thanksgiving cage project' you will see the gaurd I build for my cages. It is wire I bought at home depot and bent into a square and made a lid. Very easy

12-13-02, 12:48 PM
I bought my ceramic light fixtures at Home Depot, they come in 2 flavours, with or without wires. I shelled out the extra dollar and got the ones with presoldered wires. You will just need to attach it to a pancake box, and get a power cord. Connect the power cord to the wires, and house everything in the pancake box.

Hope this helps.

Them and Us
12-13-02, 01:49 PM
yah i don't kno anything about the boxes. my electrical experience is limited to putting a dimmer in for the dining room light for my mother and fixing the cord to my electric hedg trimmers when i cut it a million times. so I think I will use bills way just cos its simpler. takes more cords and outlets but i'd rather be more sure of myself