View Full Version : Rotting Scales???

03-06-06, 05:59 PM
Hey everyone,

Just the other day I was holding Titan my BCC and I noticed that he had a yellow small circle under neath him and also there was another peice of scale that didnt look right. (Picture a caterpillar eating away at a leaf).

One of his scales were like that under neath him.

What Can I do and has anyone had this before. Currenly I'm feeding him large rats (freshly killed) and I dont know what to do?

thanks for your responses in advance.


03-29-06, 08:13 PM
This may be the result of the substrate you have him on. If its only one or two scales I doubt that its scale rot (unless you have him on very wet bedding then it might be blisters). Feel free to IM or email me with any concerns.