View Full Version : Important to any herp supporter

02-26-06, 05:33 PM
Hello, my name is Daniel and I am a member of the west coast society for the protection and conservation of reptiles (WSPCR). Recently the Vancouver city council (B.C) has put in a motion to ban all exotic pets from the city of vancouver. Our society is trying to stop this unreasonable action against those who share a special bond with the pets we care about. Part of our game plan (and this has helpd immensly in other cases) is to contact people from all over the world and ask for the support of everyone who loves the animals we share our lives with. I thank you for taking the time to read this and if you would like to email or know a few more details please check out, Iguanaladay has some very good tips on things to put into emails when dealing with city officials.


Vancouver city council email

I thank you all again for your time and support
