View Full Version : feeding frogs

02-25-06, 09:34 PM
hi i just got a amazon tree boa and the guy tald me he eats frog but he didn't tell me what king of frogs to feed him?

Ghi Reptiles
02-25-06, 11:02 PM
Amazons eat rodents...what size is your new snake?

02-26-06, 08:03 AM
hi the guy said he rather eat a frog then a fuzzie mouse and he is about 2 1/2 to 3 feet long

Ghi Reptiles
02-26-06, 08:09 AM
I would definately get a fuzzy mouse and try feeding it to your atb. How do you have him set up?

02-26-06, 08:51 AM
hi i have him in a big Rubbermaid that is 18in high X 31in long X 16in wide.

Ghi Reptiles
02-26-06, 11:42 AM
That size sounds fine...

For animals of that size I keep them in a 30 qt. sweater box with paper towel as substrate, a water dish, and hide box. Any healthy amazon should be feeding on fuzzies at that size. They are not very skiddish and most of the times they readily accept food even when freshly implrted.

If you have him in a large enclosure that is heavily planted and there is lots of p;laces for a fuzzy to hide, then he may not be so inclined to eat. try something more simple if you have a 'busy' setup.

02-26-06, 12:03 PM
is it true that if a tree boa stays on the ground that it is stressed or sick? cause if this is true then why would you put a hide box in the tank?

Ghi Reptiles
02-26-06, 12:45 PM
All of my amazons are set up to be on the ground and the only time I give them perches are for breeding. I do have a couple of 'Tiger' amazons that are 6 months old that I keep with a small branch type setup but they don't need it.

I think that if emeralds are spending time on the ground instead of perching that they might have a problem but it is the norm for amazons to stay down on the ground during rest time and they may explore the branches at night.

02-26-06, 02:56 PM
Frogs.....holy being the dead of winter here I would hate feeding my ATBs a diet so specialized. The faster you get them on furry creatures like mice and rats the better, overall less complicated.

My ATBs roam there cages but they are more on there branches then ground level, if you have the space provide the branches....if nothig else it gives them choices.


02-26-06, 03:25 PM
thanks everyone you guys are the best lol.