View Full Version : Handfeeding

Cold Blooded
12-11-02, 10:03 PM
Someone suggested handfeeding my beardie to form a bond with him. Now Ive seen the teeth on these things and Im a lil nervous that he'll mistake my finger for a cricket or accidently get my finger instead of the cricket. Any info on handfeeding to calm my nerves? Thanks!

12-12-02, 10:41 AM
try feeding sliced apples (not to many) and other better sized food items to give you a little more to hold on too.... they do (mine anyway) get a little excited when they see things they like.... I wouldn't try it with crickets though, maybe superworms or silkworms and things like that.... Plus they don't really bite all that hard.

12-12-02, 03:08 PM
I have had some really mean little rescues and even when they tried to defend themselves against big bad me the bites were never all that bad. At worst it bleeds some and you're left with a dragon hickey.

Like dvs said, go for a slower moving target so your dragon is more likely to catch it with a tongue flick, or use a baby spoon, feeding syringe, or medicine dropper and give some baby food for him to slurp up! I've found they really love peaches and butternut squash.

12-12-02, 03:32 PM
It's funny.... I just can't see dragons actually being mean. Poor little guys must of had if ruff.

12-12-02, 07:57 PM
I handfeed mine all the time. They usually just stick their tongues out to "zap" the bug ... maybe they've been spending too much time watching the chams???

I have never hand one even come close to biting me (even with waxworms) - however some just aren't interested. One of my snow females doesn't bother hunting anymore because she knows Mom will bring her bugs. <g>


12-30-02, 09:26 AM
funny I sumbled apon this today cuz my male bd bit me this morning when I thought he grabed the carrot I was hand feeding him and I droped it, he has sand for a substrate and I dient want him to eat it so he bit my kucle hehe o>

12-30-02, 03:50 PM
start using tweezers and gradually work your way down
