View Full Version : IJCP and JCP growth rates

Them and Us
12-11-02, 08:03 PM
with optimum conditions say in about 2 years time what would one expect the size of each would be .size of both male and female as well please. i know yes that every animal is different but I'm looking for an educated guess. an estimate. thanks guys and girls.

12-11-02, 09:23 PM
My two year old IJCP female is 5ft and a good 1000-1500 grams... the male is 4.7 ft and considerably leaner.

12-12-02, 11:09 AM
my 2 year old male is 4.5 feet and 685 grams. my 2 year old female is a bit over 4 feet and probably around 600 grams. she's smaller than him obviously but that could be attributed to a couple things. she may of taken a while to start feeding, or maybe the male is just big for his age. he's grown faster than alot of males i've seen.

so i would say your male and female should average around 4.5 feet and 600-700 grams. it'd leave them healthy and lean. breeding weights for females are a completely different story though. at 4 years they should be around 2000 grams.