View Full Version : putting 2 lizards together

02-13-06, 05:13 PM
is there any type of lizard that would be able to be put in a tank with a golden gecko without fighting each other. I need to know be cause i have a huge tank and only 1 gecko in it.:medfrown:

02-13-06, 05:52 PM
Marble geckos are good with those, you can also get more golden geckos too.
www.freewebs.com/reptile-kid (http://www.freewebs.com/reptile-kid)

02-13-06, 06:42 PM
Thanks for the tip i'll look into it more

02-15-06, 05:09 PM
You can try leopard geckos theyre great and easy!


02-15-06, 07:12 PM
Leopards and golden geckos together??????
OMG! Before you give advice like that, may I suggest you carefully check the requirements for the respective species????
That's downright wrong advice.

You really shouldn't mix species unless you have a heck of a big enclosure and are familiar with all the species, make sure they're not WC and have extra enclosures handy because sooner or later they'll most likely have to be separated.

I suggest you get more of the same species and save everyone including you a lot of pain and heartache.

02-16-06, 07:43 AM
puttin goldens and leos together is absurd.check out each of there requirments before you post things like that. if anything get more of the same (goldens) and even then make sure they get tons of room, food, hides',heat spots and water . even then there is a good possibilty they will not live peacefully. one could start bullying . it is very hard to monitor if specific animals are getting enough food etc in communtiy tanks.

02-16-06, 05:26 PM
Sorry guys if I gave bad advice I'm not exactly sure about golden geckos and where they live and I'll take everyones advice and read next time before blabing off. Sorry
