View Full Version : hides...

Them and Us
12-11-02, 06:01 PM
should they be rather snug or a bit loose for my bci ? thank you.

12-11-02, 06:03 PM
not to snug... I always leave it so when they are curled up iside there is .5 - 1 inch on each side of the animals...

Them and Us
12-11-02, 06:19 PM
yeah he/she has got about two inches. should i make it a tad smaller? i was thinking you know. smaller hide area. more security the snake will feel. thanks Jeff.

Bryan Self
12-11-02, 10:56 PM
I do not even use hides. After many conversations with Rich Ihle I took all mine out. My boas are doing fine and I have noticed that they are better tempered. Which is exactlly what he said would happen. So there are other options as well.

Them and Us
12-12-02, 08:41 AM
hmmmm.....decisins decions. thanks also Bryan. hmm i must decide

Them and Us
12-12-02, 08:42 AM
decisions decisions. first i should learn to type.

Grant vg
12-12-02, 11:15 AM
I dont use hides either for my pythons.
I would say, if your snake is feeding and is an established snake in your collection, dont use the hides.

12-12-02, 11:29 AM
back a couple of years ago on that other site we discussed the issue that hides or some types of hides may contribute to occasional aggressive behavior. My thought was that since snakes react on a very instinctual level that a hide that puts them into a posture similar to a strike position may promote striking. This was in response to a question on using tubes as hides. The hides I use are larger but opaque or solid, I think the ability to feel concealed is more important than a feeling of confinement. JMHO

12-12-02, 11:58 AM
I don't use hides with the majority of my snakes. If they express the need for one (ie- refusal to feed, "hiding" in the waterbowl, etc) then i put in crumpled peices of newspaper for them to feel secure in. I find crumpled up paper to be the most effective and secure hiding medium.

12-12-02, 10:56 PM
all our snakes have them, and if they use them, great, if they don't, well it still looks nice :)

I've noticed our kings don't use them much, nor our BCI's but our BCC and BP's use them and so do our corns. our Viper boas usually bury them selves but on occasion have been found in their hides (one time i lifted the hide box to see if dimitri was in it and he was but i wasn't expecting him to still be in it when it was in mid air), our burms can be found in, on, over (they have a basking shelf) or out of the hide box.

12-13-02, 07:30 PM
I have forgone the use of hides in the last couple of years

my "kids " if they wan't to hide will go under the news paper to seek comfort and security for the most part they are out in the open till shed time , when they get "blue" they hide out for a few days and then come out to shed and show off that new sexy skin
good luck and happy herping Hip

12-13-02, 07:35 PM
Do you guys find this works for kings, corns and milks as well as boids?

12-13-02, 08:06 PM
We have hides in all of our enclosures and they all use them a great deal... none of our snakes is the least bit aggressive or nasty tempered... when the lights go out they roam; but during daylight hours that's usually the place they can all be found even with several other choices to hang out...
