View Full Version : Important Bearded Dragon Question

02-08-06, 11:09 PM
I have recently been given two young bearded dragons approx. 2 mths old and the both are missing 2 feet. I was wondering if anyone had successfully raised beardies with a similar problem and if the can still chase crickets well enough.

02-09-06, 01:29 PM
Well first off I would get a vet to do a quick check over make sure everything else is okay with them. When beardies are housed together you will find that tails, toes and sometimes feet go missing because some of them get hungry and are known for cannibalism. Thus please do not house them together, please get 2 seperate tanks unless you are breeding in which they shouldn't be introduced to eachother until sexually mature.

They can definetly get around and will have no problem adapting. Just to kind of give them a little bit of a break I wouldn't make anything too high that they will have to use alot of balance, cuz they are quite clumsy. Kind of baby proof your enclosure. If you find that they are having problems getting the crickets I recommend putting the crickets in the fridge to let them cool down, that will cut down on their momentum and will give the beardies enough time to snag some.

Hopefully this helps :)