View Full Version : rescuing snakes

02-08-06, 07:04 PM
Hey!! Totally new to this forum..seems like a great place to be..
I just would like to vent some frustrations>(
I recently persuaded a local theme park owner to release 2 Red Tail Boas to me...They were EXTREMELY neglected..NO water, kept OUTSIDE IN WINTER in a rabbit cage with NO HEAT, and one had not been fed in at least several months!!
Needless to say, both had mouth rot, respiratory infections, and mites! I have had them a month, the infections are clearing up, thanks to the baytril shots the vet gave them, and the mites are gone, and the skinny one is getting fatter slowly but surely.
The sucky part is local animal shelters offered their best advice, to have them "put down" and all I got was a run around from the local sheriffs offc. Since this incident, I have received COUNTLESS reports of Burmese pythons being let loose, or escaping their homes and animal control just euthanizes them, if they can catch them, otherwise they are just SHOT!:jawdrop:
I am currently trying to start a local rescue to help house some of these poor guys.
Any opinions?

02-08-06, 10:37 PM
Kudo's to you for your efforts. Some people just can't see the light even if you shine it in their eyes.
Keep up the good work!

02-09-06, 01:07 PM
Kudo's to you for your efforts. Some people just can't see the light even if you shine it in their eyes.
Keep up the good work!

anyways.... he was asking for info on starting a reptile rescue. From what ive noticed, you have to go through alot of paperwork through your city to become one. Unless your doing it under the table and are not a registered reptile rescue. If i knew anything about it i'd let u know, but i dont know very much. Im kinda waiting for someone to reply fully to this, with the process of it. I too want to set up a reptile rescue here in hamilton.

02-09-06, 03:49 PM
Well, I have really been researching and here is what i have gathered off the internet and local shelters
Get Incorporated with your states dept of commerce... this allows you to apply for grants...im currently in THIS stage..HAHA
Then go for tax exempt status with IRS, this allows you to write off a lot of expenses and allows donors to write off their donations (making them more likely to donate)
Then you can check on grants & funding to apply for online or in person..You will want to find a building to house your organization, and you will need to speak with local city/state authorities to check on zoning/code/health ordinances. Once you start getting set up, you can get the word out by printing business cards, flyers, making sure local authorities have your contact info when they happen upon a reptile.. Get the word out by having auctions, raffles, and educational programs at local libraries and schools...
Get volunteers to help as well..
I have a LONG road ahead:medcomcic
PS By the way.....Im a SHE :mednormal

anyways.... he was asking for info on starting a reptile rescue. From what ive noticed, you have to go through alot of paperwork through your city to become one. Unless your doing it under the table and are not a registered reptile rescue. If i knew anything about it i'd let u know, but i dont know very much. Im kinda waiting for someone to reply fully to this, with the process of it. I too want to set up a reptile rescue here in hamilton.[/QUOTE]

02-09-06, 04:10 PM
there a place in canada ontario that rescues animals you should really ask them on their information about it and how to start one their website is www.tailsandscalesrescue.com .... they rescue alot of animals and most of mine are from there !

good luck!

02-09-06, 04:14 PM
there a place in canada ontario that rescues animals you should really ask them on their information about it and how to start one their website is www.tailsandscalesrescue.com .... they rescue alot of animals and most of mine are from there !

good luck!

Hey, thanks for the info, I will be contacting them for info...

02-09-06, 04:52 PM
hey just to let you know...in ottawa there is a reptile place called Little Ray's Reptiles, and they do rescues in association with the Ottawa Humane Society. Perhaps Little Ray's could give you some info or perhaps your local spca or humane society. Hope this helps.

**EDIT to remove personal attack on another poster.
WARNING ! ! Read the General Discussion Forums Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49227)

Ignorance is no excuse! Failure to make an effort to understand and adhere to the rules will result in a ban. A maximum of 3 strikes will be tolerated (3 for minor offenses, as little as 1 for more severe).

No abusive/threatening/disrespectful language towards moderators (we are just doing our job), or other members.

02-09-06, 10:32 PM
**EDIT to remove personal attack on another poster.
WARNING ! ! Read the General Discussion Forums Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49227)

Ignorance is no excuse! Failure to make an effort to understand and adhere to the rules will result in a ban. A maximum of 3 strikes will be tolerated (3 for minor offenses, as little as 1 for more severe).

No abusive/threatening/disrespectful language towards moderators (we are just doing our job), or other members.

02-10-06, 08:10 AM
All right boys....all right....too much testosterone floating around in here...HAHA
Thanks for all the info...I also checked out www.byersrescue.org and actually adopted #29 the female redtail...I couldnt help myself! The founders of Byers were extremely helpful, and I got a lot of useful info from them..They also have a nippy juvenile chondro that is really pretty.. I probably ought to slow down on my personal collection, if I am planning on accumulating any rescues...otherwise I wont have room!!!! :flick:

02-10-06, 08:15 AM
It's all good...anyway, like I said...just glad that there are some that care.
I wish you all the best......hey, how about some pics???


02-10-06, 08:40 AM
It's all good...anyway, like I said...just glad that there are some that care.
I wish you all the best......hey, how about some pics???


I am having MAJOR computer issues..I loaned out my computer in the summer, and just got back online last week...i immediately downloaded antivirus, because they had not used it!! I isolated a virus with a scan, and I cant just HEAL the files, according to my comp guy, I have to format C drive...
Im about to lose all my pics really, b/c I cant seem to burn off the pics...I havent had any problems untill i got the virus...which is what happens when you loan things out to ppl. Just a minute and I will create a webpage on geocities with pics

02-10-06, 08:50 AM
I am having MAJOR computer issues..I loaned out my computer in the summer, and just got back online last week...i immediately downloaded antivirus, because they had not used it!! I isolated a virus with a scan, and I cant just HEAL the files, according to my comp guy, I have to format C drive...
Im about to lose all my pics really, b/c I cant seem to burn off the pics...I havent had any problems untill i got the virus...which is what happens when you loan things out to ppl. Just a minute and I will create a webpage on geocities with pics

I cant even upload...Im using JPG but it says Im not...anyways...I also have issues with posting here...All my files are too big, it says only 24.4KB and mine are WAY bigger than that...
I can email, but with the virus, I recommend updating your software before I do!! If you want to chance it, I can do that...Im on yahoo under same name

02-10-06, 09:02 AM
According to the T.O.S., personal attacks are against the rules so knock it off guys.

As for starting a reptile rescue in Hamilton - you can forget about that. It's against the city bylaws to own reptiles in that town in the first place. A reptile rescue won't get approval. You can sell all the reptiles you want there but you can't own them.

02-10-06, 09:22 AM
According to the T.O.S., personal attacks are against the rules so knock it off guys.

As for starting a reptile rescue in Hamilton - you can forget about that. It's against the city bylaws to own reptiles in that town in the first place. A reptile rescue won't get approval. You can sell all the reptiles you want there but you can't own them.

Was that post to me?? I didnt realize I attacked anyone..sorry if i did

My idea for rescue was in Arkansas..I have to talk to Wildlife Mgmnt and Animal Ctrl and whoever...see if it is possible, it should be, we have a big cat rescue not far from where live, but they have no facility for housing reptiles..Most reptiles here are left abandoned, ppl run across them and just kill them, or call animal control and they do it..
If they deny my starting a rescue, then I will raise HECK and insist THEY start rescuing instead of shooting! the reptiles they encounter...and I will also bug the heck out of them with lists of neglected reptiles in my area...keep em so busy they will WANT me to start a rescue!! HAHA :medsmile:

02-10-06, 05:49 PM
How is it possible for them to ban owning of reptiles, yet they can sell them? Isnt having a snake inside your petshop owning a reptile as well? It is currently in the petshop being owned by an owner is it not? Messy rules i say. Me and ottawa guy were just foolin around. Nothing personal, just being geeks i geuss?