View Full Version : Simple Question......

End Times
02-03-06, 09:03 AM
Hey all,

Currently I'm only into Balls, but have been researching and am starting to admire boas from afar.

My question is this: Often on these forums I see people posting pics of their newly acquired beauties while asking "what type" they are. Usually, these posts seem to be followed by a lot of "That's a common bci" or "that's a nice regular redtail". Now, just what is a "common bci"? I mean, all snakes come from somewhere. There's Columbian BCI's, Central American BCI's, etc. Which local is considered "common"? In other words, where do the so called "common bci's" come from? Are Columbian's considered common bci's? Or is a Common BCI just a mixed boa of no identifiable origin?

Thanks to those who reply.