View Full Version : Tarzet -- did ya do it?

12-11-02, 07:55 AM
Did you get a camera? Were you busy taking pictures last night? Hmmmmm?????

Details... come on... out with it .... we need details.


12-11-02, 03:51 PM
I didnt end up getting one last night cause the sales man confused me and made me have to think about it over night.....lol
I just got back from the Future Shop! I just got the Canon Power shot G2. I got it for $1000. It was regular $1300. It has 4.0 Mp's, 3X optical zoom, macro 2.4in to 2.3ft, movie mode and It also has an ac adapter as well as rechargable batteries. We bought the 128 meg card too. Oh and it has a twisty aroundy screen! lol :) I AM SO HAPPY!! :D
I plan on taking some reptile pictures tonight....Kurt has OTHER ideas...omg :P....LOL
Once I figure it all out...I'll post some of MY pictures (of reptiles).... ;P

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone...it really did help narrow down the options.

jason h
12-11-02, 03:55 PM
ahhh ya big tease:bugged:

12-11-02, 04:35 PM
Can't wait to see some photos... hurry up already :)

12-11-02, 06:15 PM
Great decision!! :) once you get the hang of its auotmated features, you will find it to be a VERY powerfull camera! :)

Corey Woods
12-11-02, 06:18 PM

That is what I've got.........you should be very happy with it!


12-11-02, 06:18 PM
Thats a very powerful camera, it takes really nice macro shots. Just look at some of Corey's pictures, he has the same camera.

Shane Tesser
12-11-02, 06:20 PM
Teresa..its the same camera that is used for all of the official shots for the site..its the same one im walking around with at the shows....its jeffs though..not mine :( you will love it..its a great camera :D