View Full Version : In shed Indigo pics.

01-25-06, 11:51 PM
Everytime I try and take some new pics of my female Indigo she is in shed but I figured I go ahead and snap a few tonight since she looks pretty cool with her baby blue eyes.........


Thanks for looking!!!

01-26-06, 12:25 AM
Hey look, a samsung DVD player for only 33.33! I mean... nice snake!

01-26-06, 05:05 PM
Indigos always look cool when in shed. No disrespect, but I hope its only in the rubbermaid for the pics (if so disreguard the next bit). FYI & for everyone elses as well of course, Indigos require much more space & larger enclosures than your average Colubrid (they are not "rack snakes"). Mine haven't lived in tubs since they were yearlings. My subadults (same age/size as yours) are in 2X2X4's & they are about to be moved into the same size ones as my adults 1.5 H X 4.5 W X 3 D (large Visons) which IMHO could still be bigger. These guys are super active & have very high metabolisms (as you know form cleanup duties I'm sure LOL). Anyhow you find a future mate for that girl yet, hope so, Cheers Mark
P.S. An example of where I'm coming from: average tub is approx 1.5 X 2 = 3 sq feet of room (snake can't even stretch out fully), 2 X 4 = 8 (snake still is longer than longest dimension, but not following its tail in little circles as in a tub & a proper hotside/coldside can be established) , 3 X 4.5 = 13.5 in this size a large adult only goes 1/2 way around it (not following its tail in circles). :atom:

01-26-06, 06:12 PM
Yeah thanks for the info Mark.

This would be her enclosure which measures 5'x3'x2'.


The tub she was in when I took the pictures is one of her 'underground' hides which I built into each end of the cage as you can see in this pic before the cage was finished.........


She's pretty happy in there I'm pretty sure.

01-26-06, 07:04 PM
Cool looks like you did a good job building that one. I was pretty sure that you had a nice big enclosure. A lot of folks don't realize that they require a lot more space than your average snake. Cheers Mark

01-26-06, 07:09 PM
nice pics........ ive always like indigos ever since i saw one at my local exotic pet store. I was thinking about ehtier getting a brb or a indigo...... the only thing is i havnt been able to find a good caresheet on them.

01-26-06, 07:18 PM
Pretty much basic Colubrid care except they require more space & have very high metabolisms (eat & crap lots LOL). Breeding is a whole different Ball game for them though, Mark

01-26-06, 07:24 PM
Thats a great build! What locking or closing mechanism did you put in? I'm trying to brainstorm for my corn's cages.

01-26-06, 07:34 PM
Speaking of EIs one was just posted in the classifieds on RC & it is a male. Mark

02-03-06, 10:10 PM
Got home from work to find a fresh shed stretched out across the cage!! It's been months since I took any pics of my girl when she wasn't in some stage of a shed cycle so I snapped a few tonight.

Oh and please excuse the mess in the background, we are moving into the house we just bought so packing has begun and the livingroom is a bit of a staging area, lol.


Having her stretched out tonight to get some full body shots I realised just how much she's grown since I got her last may. Just a rough guess but I'd say she's probably put on about a foot in length and is most likely around the 4.5ft mark now and she's nearly as thick as my wirst.

Question for Mark??? How big is she in comparison to your 03's? It was 03's you had growing up wasn't it?

02-04-06, 08:46 PM
Funny I was thinking before I read your Q that she looks pretty close in size to the 2003 female I held back. My girl may be a little longer, but not too much & close to the same girth. Have fun in the new house, more room for herps I hope, Cheers Mark

02-04-06, 10:42 PM
Have fun in the new house, more room for herps I hope, Cheers Mark

OOOHH yes lot's more room!!! I have a room that measures 12'x20. down in the basement that is for the reptiles and nothing else so I figure a few more Indigo cages can fit in there:D

02-16-06, 10:00 AM
Wow, that girl is looking super awesome Ryan! Good stuff!!

02-16-06, 11:47 AM
Great pics...
What kind of cameras are you guys using?? mine always looks blurry and there isnt good detail...cheap ol digital i guess...anyways just curious

08-14-06, 02:24 PM
:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop: amazing snake