View Full Version : help say no ;(

12-11-02, 12:36 AM
Okay all i have a ball python who i don't know what i'm going to do with ... but there is this beautiful, gorgeous amazing snake for sale an aregentinan boa (sp) oh god it is amazing and this equally as gorgeous red tail. But i am in college and no pets allowed (i'm hiding my 2 foot ball now) and i don't need a huge boa :( so please yell at me and tell me why i SHOULDN"T say screw it and get a boa.

12-11-02, 01:08 AM
well mike you would bring a bad name on the rest of us if you got caught with a herp in your dorm.

Mind you i can understand your want of a fine speciman of a boa. you could always send it up here and we'll watch it for you... :)

12-11-02, 01:19 AM
Well, I don't know how things are generally done at your school, but around here people usually only spend first year in a dorm...so if you'll be moving out into a house or apartment next year you can have whatever snakes you like...it's all a matter of being patient.
If you're stuck in a dorm or student housing until you finish school...well, then I don't know what to suggest...but think of what they might do when they find a big boa in your room; take the snake away? Make you move out? It's generally not a good idea to push the rules too far (remember, you still have your BP)

12-11-02, 06:48 AM
yea you're right , at my school u have to be in dorms for freshman and sophmore years. but then all the apartments around here have "no pet" policies. And i'm going to school to be a vet so i gotta while to go :(

12-11-02, 07:32 AM
I get the feeling you will have to resist the temptations! Causes there will be more to come..

12-11-02, 07:32 AM
I get the feeling you will have to resist the temptations! Causes there will be more to come..

Big Mike
12-11-02, 09:24 AM
If your in Animal Health...maybe you could swing a deal to have the snake kept at school as a learning tool...you buy it and offer to take care of it...then take it with you when you leave school. You can help others to see how nice it is to have snakes etc.

After all...if they are going to be vets...they might have to treat a big snake some day.

12-11-02, 10:02 AM
If you are anywhere near Orlando, FL. You shouldn't be concerned about the no pet clause. Apartments and homes usually don't consider anything in a tank to be a "Destructive Opportunity Pet". In other words, if it doesn't bark, spray, claw furniture, or destroy wood floors, most don't care at all. Besides, as far I always was concerned, if it is in a tank, I never claimed to have pets.

Good luck, I say get the boas, and to hell with the rules. Its a reptile, not a Bullmastiff.


Them and Us
12-11-02, 05:55 PM
I have been told that baby blood pythons have a tendency to spray as a defense mechanism.

12-11-02, 07:46 PM
Hey Mike
I'd advise against it - a bp is easy to hide and so is a baby boa, but not a big fat 8ft adult!
Resist temptation for now, until you have your own place and you can keep it in a nice big enclosure, and take it out whenever you want.

12-11-02, 11:41 PM
yea :( i told the guys at the pet shop that when i come in with $200 to just refuse to sell anything to me that isn't a fish or food. and i'm going to the University of Florida.. all you can have is a aquarium (of fish) .