View Full Version : New tank- couple of questions.

01-22-06, 04:58 PM
I just recently bought this tank for $30 and was wondering if it is big enough for a brazilian rainbow boa
side view

front view


the demensions are 19" back to very front
12" back to angle piece
and 42" length

Also, if it is deemed as not big enough then i have a 75 gallon tank that i could put it in but i would have to move my 2 beardies into the above tank.......would they be fine in there?

Thanx for any help/opinions


01-25-06, 03:16 PM
any help would be great!

01-25-06, 03:40 PM
what size brb are you getting? unless it's an adult i'd stay away from aquariums altogether and even then you have to modify the aquarium a bit (put saran wrap over the top to hold humidity), and make sure to put a couple inches of coconut fibre on the tank floor, they love to stay buried. i realize you want it for display (who wouldn't, it's a brb) but the proper care of the animal is much more important. that's why i suggest a rubbermaid if it's not an adult. if it is, then at least put a rubbermaid big enough for it to fit into comfortably, filled with moss and coconut fibre, and make sure to keep it moist and warm. humidity is the key to brb's 80% is what you're shooting for and you just can't do that with a screen top. anyway, thats just my opinion...


01-25-06, 06:20 PM
I don't know anything about snkaes, but a pair of beardies would fit in there. I assume you are aware that putting 2 beardies in the same cage is never a good idea unless you are breeding them. Never 2 males together, and even for breeding purposes, they should be separated right after....

Just my 2 cents though

01-25-06, 07:44 PM
Thanx for all the help........... i hope to get a baby brb and i would put it a rubbermaid container untill he was the right size. but i just wanted to know if this tank would hold a full size brb. also the top is mostley wood w/ screen spaces built in just for a heat lamp and flouresent so i dont think that humidity would be any problem. And as for the beardies i have heard that two beardies should never be put together accept for breeding but my local exotic pet shop has up to six or seven juviniles or even three to four adults. Plus the two i have have donefine together (they have been together since birth). i would NEVER put two males together knowingly i've seen what can happen, my sisters old beardie she got from a friend lost a leg and a portion of his tale because he was in the same tank as another male

01-25-06, 09:31 PM
first off, the people at green earth don't always know what they're doing (i'm assuming thats where you're talking about). second, wood is a terrible idea for a a lid on a brb's tank, mostly because of the humidity that'll be dripping of the lid. thats how your humidity should be for a brb anyway. really not trying to be mean or anything, just something you may not have thought about...


02-04-06, 03:24 PM
well it turns out my parents dont want a snake in the hous so thanx for the help anyways. Im probly just gona get another bearded (of a different morph)........ and yes i was talking about green earth....... I would have to agree that sometimes they dont know what they are doin...... they dive into things head first and dont do much research such as their american aligator they had in there. they had a huge set up in this one corner but they didnt think about all the moisture and well it rotted out the the drywall and studs in the wall. but Ed ( the "bearded expert" there) owns i think 8 or 9 beardeds and has never had a problem. so when it comes to some things they are very good.... in fact that is where 90% of my herp "education" came from lol. also i dont see the problem with a wood top.... as long as the wood is properly sealed (which it is) then the humidity shouldnt affect any thing right?

02-04-06, 03:35 PM
that tank would be fine for very young brbs but not adults.

rubbermaids are good if you're on a budget....but i really don't see the point of having a beautiful snake like a brb as a display animal if you're going to keep it in a rubbermaid where you'll never see it. Its easy to lose interest in a pet kept in a boring rubbermaid, the more exciting your design the more pleasure you will get from your snake or lizard or whatever. its worth the extra work.

i'm personally SICK TO DEATH of seeing snakes kept in barren rubbermaid containers that are just barely big enough for them...sure they will live and breed just fine in those but wow what a boring pet...they deserve so much better and you'll get so much more joy from them if they have a naturalistic, interesting environment. more and more people seem to be treating snakes like merchandise and less like animals.

and yes, wood is bad if there's moisture involved, it will rot and warp and absorb odours