View Full Version : sex and temp

monty bl python
01-16-06, 09:06 PM
I was reading an article online a month ago about incubation .
The author talked about the temp of the incubator can determine the sex of some reptiles. I didn’t think about it at the time but now I can’t find the article and I don’t think that it told what kinds of reptiles.
Have any of you read or heard about this, if so which reptiles dose it apply to.

01-16-06, 10:32 PM
yo, I know it applies to turtles and I think crocodilians.

01-16-06, 11:43 PM
Leopard geckos, Agamas for sure also. I think I've heard that Veiled Chameleons are as well. Here's a link that explains "temperature dependent sex determination" or TSD (why they leave the 'd' out is beyond me). There are a bunch of site dedicated to studying this phenomenon.
