View Full Version : Pinkie Mice Gender

01-16-06, 04:13 PM
Two of female mice just had litters and I was wondering if there is anyway to find out the gender of pinkies without taking them to a vet. 3 of them are 4 days and old and the other litter is about 2 days old. I want to keep a couple females and a male for future breeding. (My snakes gotta eat.)

01-17-06, 03:37 AM
Females have tits:D Easiest way to tell when they're fuzzies.


01-21-06, 02:24 AM
Do female rats have nipples too? I know one of my rats is male because he shows off his testis proudly but the other I'm not so sure about.

02-04-06, 08:42 PM
Those are not big litters, why not just keep the whole lot until they are old enough to tell, it doesn't take long. The nubbin infront of the anus opening will be further away on males than females. On females there is very little space between them.