View Full Version : help plz

01-14-06, 01:46 AM
hello i have had a beardie and i was wondering what would be another good lizard i was thinking about leos or a water dragon or possibly a skink. i have done tons of research but would like another lizard thnkss for ur help


01-14-06, 10:01 PM
I'm assuming you don't mean to keep them together. Leopard geckos are another good beginner reptile with the versatility to keep even experts interested (breeding) Water dragons are something to think carefully about. Water dragons are big, in the range of 3 feet and need VERY large cages. So big you would have to think seriously about a custom built enclosure or build your own. There are LOTS of other reptiles to choose from. It seems you have a taste for the large, have you considered one of the dwarf monitors, or even a non dwarf like a savhanna. My personal favourit reptile are crested geckos. It might be easier to narrow down the search by desiding what aspects you want, like, handlability, breedability, rarity, uniqueness etc. Or even what type of lizard you want, gecko, skink, etc. I would say, start with a general search of the three you first mentioned, and go from there. Even a quick search over this forum will introduce you to what other people are keeping, and do your own searching based on that.