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View Full Version : Turtle order "on-line"....anyone tried?

01-04-06, 03:54 PM
Hi there, on doing a search for "turtles for sale in canada", I came across a US website, that say's they ship to all 50 US states, and Canada...
Has anyone tried it, or heard of it?
I wrote them an email asking if they would ship to Canada, in Toronto, and they replied "yes".
Check out the website, and see what you think. I can't find any bad reports on them etc, and some of the turtles available are of interest to me....
Plus, they are just located in Niagara Falls, on the US side.

PM me, for the site, as I don't think the forum allows me to post addresses?

01-04-06, 08:33 PM
what kind of turtles / tortoises are you looking for ? there are many breeders here that can help you with what you are looking for (at least for more common species)

as for your inquiry, try the american boi on faunaclassifieds. Did this site inform you of necissary paperwork, permits etc to import the animals ? if they failed to mention these requirements chances are they aren't as reputable as I would like to deal with if I ever ordered online from across the border. But then again, I don't know much about it as I have never done it. Maybe someone else here can offer you more insight

01-05-06, 08:29 PM
Maybe it is me but I don't see the website in your posting. Can you send it my way?

Yes, I ahve ordered on-line from Tom in Vancouver and he is simply great! Great animals and great support. Very professional.

Thanks, Pete.

01-05-06, 08:56 PM
I ordered from tom to! he is a great source for your chelonian needs !

01-05-06, 10:31 PM
Their main business is selling sugar gliders. They said they shipped to canada, but no information about export permits and inspection, CITES (for ambo which takes a few months), plus shipping. This will cost at least $300. Not to mention you have to apply for the CDN Import Permit for the turtle(s).

IMO, I do not think they have much experience exporting from reading their website.

JJ ;)

01-06-06, 02:56 PM
Hmmmmm. Would love to order from a fellow Canadian. But you guy's are holding your cards tight.....lol
Who is Tom, and are you able to tell me the website?

Thanks in advance!
Ken from Markham

01-06-06, 03:07 PM
talisman , I replied to the email you sent me, didn't you get it ?
tom's site is canadiantortoises.com. He deals mostly in tortoises rather then turtles but I am sure he could point you in the right direction or know where you can find what you are looking for

01-07-06, 08:43 AM
Tom is mainly a tortoise guy but you can ask him about tortoises. He is in Vancouver.


01-07-06, 09:38 AM
I don't think your going to have alot of success, dealing over the border for turtles or tortoises. Most will not even be willing to ship ,,,,and if they are the costs are outrageous for the papers, cities permits, and transportation costs ...try the fellow in B.C. that is listed in one of the other posts. I think that will probally be your best bet. EM

01-07-06, 11:40 AM
I'm waiting a shipment of '03 - 1.2 Leopard torts from CBWF in Arizona. So far it's cost me $400.00 for the paper work and shipping costs. It will be another $375.00 for the animals and $35.00 for the Canadian Import Permit
for a total of $775.00 US funds, plus the $35.00 C Import fee.
I guess it's just a decision on whether it's worth it to the individual buyer. With the current exchange rate, it's hard to turn down 2003 - 1.2 guaranteed Arizona raised Leopard torts.
