View Full Version : is he the rite size

12-25-05, 01:29 PM
i just picked up a new ball python the other day, and the girl said he was about 2 years old maybe a little older , he's only about 42" or 3'6" in length and about 6 1/2" in girth, i was just wondering if this is a normal size for his age .

12-25-05, 01:39 PM
Sound like the length is okay, but a 6 inch girth? is that diameter or 6 inch circumfrance. If the latter, seems good to me imo. 4-5 ft is about full growth depending on feeding schedual and many snakes do most of their growing in the first 18-24 months. Everyone loves pictures =D bit easier to tell if you take one with something to compare to.

12-25-05, 02:33 PM
no 6 1/2" circumfrance lol
these pictures probably wont help much but w/e




12-26-05, 08:51 PM
He seems pretty good to me, a big boy but he also 2 years old. He will most likely get a bit bigger for another year but not much. good luck with him ;)

12-26-05, 10:04 PM
ya well i just up him to a 75 gallon alot better then the 20 long the girl had him in

so hopfully he will be a little happier