View Full Version : please help..

king nick
12-22-05, 06:07 PM
I curently own 3 ATBs, all are caged separetly and have identical set ups(same heat & humidity). 2 of them i bought around 3-4 months ago , oe of them hasent been eating lately and tonight i noticed it would open its mouth when i came around it and blood was coming out of its mouth. I am thinking it has sompething to do with a parasite because the other 2 atbs are kept in the same method as the sick one, therefor it should not have to do with humidity or temp problems.

any help would be great,


12-24-05, 01:00 AM
I would start by seeing a vet and placing the serpent in quarntine


12-24-05, 10:02 AM
could be mouth rot or something of that nature....make an appointment with a vet just to be on the safe side....hope all goes well good luck...