View Full Version : Success with a stubborn one!

End Times
12-18-05, 01:39 PM
I acquired 2 of my 5 balls this past summer, and had tried for three months to get those particular 2 on F/T rats with no success. After the three months of failure, I broke down and offered live mice. One of the two took to live right away, and has since been eating two live mice every 5-7 days. The other.... well still no luck with him yet, but that's for another thread.

Anyway, the one that refused F/T for three months and that finally began feeding on live mice took a F/T rat today!

The rat was actually thawed out for a different ball, who declined food for the first time today since being in my care (talk about a let down), so I figured what the heck and offered it to my live mouse eater. He showed some reservation at first, so I began to remove the rat and as I did he stalked forward to the edge of his rubbermaid, so I brought it back in to him and WHAM! I still thought I'd failed to convert him as after he constricted it he moved off a bit, but I decided to leave it there for a bit and see. So, sitting patiently across the room I watched as this stubborn snake "tasted" the rat, nuzzled the rat, poked at the rat as if ensuring it was dead and then finally he began to swallow!

It's a little bitter-sweet though. I mean, I got him to take F/T, but only because my other F/T eater declined for the first time ever (he's always taken F/T like a champ since I converted him back in... Um..... June I think it was). Ah well. Thems the breaks when keeping balls I suppose....

Now.... back to work on my non-eater....

12-23-05, 12:02 PM
Have you ever tried heating your f/t with a hair dryer just before offering? After thawing, I warm it up for about a min. with the dryer. The scent seems to really trigger a feeding response and sends him into attack mode. I never have any leftovers.

End Times
12-23-05, 12:07 PM
Thanks for the reply. And yes actually, I always use the hairdryer trick every time I thaw a rat. Still doesn't tempt my one male though..... oh well.

12-23-05, 12:31 PM
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Mine always take a "F/T roasting on an open dryer"
