View Full Version : Ghost Boa prices??

12-16-05, 03:38 PM
Has anyone else noticed that the price of Ghost Boas plummeted all of a sudden?

Early this year Ghost Boas were $1200, now I've seen babies selling for $700-$800. Also, last year you would rarely see an adult Ghost being sold and if it was it had a huge price tag on it, now I've seen 2-3 year old females selling for $2000 and under!

Is there a reason for this?

Here are just a few examples:



12-19-05, 01:54 AM
could just be the seller wanting to move them quick

12-19-05, 06:28 AM
It seems the price or value of the Ghost Boa has come down from $1200 to $800 on average. Reason most stated on other forums has been demand, the demand for Ghost Boas and Anery Boas just isn't as high as last year.

This isn't just one seller wanting to dump a snake, it's basically seems to be accross the board on all classifieds.