View Full Version : Houdini's habit

12-11-05, 05:26 PM
Does anybody know why my snake has pooped on my three times in the past 2 weeks? He doesn't seem scared and hasn't tried to bite but he keeps on pooping on me. He's about a year old and i got him about a month ago.

12-14-05, 11:22 AM
maybe, he ist used to u, it helps to hold it more often, and before that u should bath it in warm water, many people that i talk to, say that it defenetly poops when beeing in warm water :medtoothy

01-07-06, 06:08 PM
What kind of snake is it?I know kingsnakes and milksnakes do this when they r scared but as they get used to handling it can b stopped.Is it actual poop ,like the urine and solids or is it just the urine and liquid part of it.Like I said a young king or milk seem likely to do this ,but I've never had a corn do it in a scared response.Does it handle well or does it seem nervous and flighty?It could also be because of the warmth of your touch and the excercise of moving around through your hands.The warmth and handling gets things flowin and thats why it might do it.In all my years of keeping and breeding snakes I have never had a full blown poop on me except from young kings and milks.In time you can judge when your snake is going to defecate by it's appearance and feeding schedule.
Better than being bit all the time........ or maybe not.

01-17-06, 02:13 AM
The best way to avoid this is just to figure out when it's going to crap and just not pick it up that day. My corn usually craps 3-4 days after eating. Also there is a noticable buldge before excreting. When my corn was younger it did the same thing. Just don't put her back right away if it does or else you teach it that if it craps on you you put it down and it will do it all the time.

01-19-06, 11:53 AM
It's been over a month now and he hasn't pooped on me so far. I just kept on handeling him and he isn't so skittish now. And now I can kind of tell by the look of him when he's gonna go now.

01-19-06, 12:00 PM
How is houdini doing these days Fartlett?!?!