View Full Version : QUESTION!! Redtailed boas (Suriname/Guyana)

12-09-02, 03:27 PM
I was just wondering if anybody has any pictures of themselves with their full-grown female redtail!?!

12-10-02, 11:37 AM
Ours isn't full grown yet.... check back in a couple years :)

12-10-02, 01:03 PM
Anybody know if the females are kind of 'grumpier' than the males? We've had a local pet store owner warning us very emphatically that the females aren't nearly as docile or personable as the males. Just wondering if there's any merit in that?

12-10-02, 01:22 PM
Personally in our Suriname and Guyanese red tails
i have not found a difference in temper between
sexes. All of ours are perfectly tame. I dont know
if i would use the word tame, but you can handle
them no problem, no hissing or anything.

12-11-02, 01:19 AM
Thanks! We're completely in love with this little Guyanese, and she's the only redtail in town, apart from Columbians. The temperment is essentially a deciding factor for us, so your imput is greatly appreciated! Thanks again.

12-11-02, 02:12 AM
Temperament depends a great deal on the animals environment. If you get it as a baby and handle it frequently you can have a greater inlfuence on one that is odler and hasn't had much handling. My 4.5' male is a little terror. He was never handled much, so he's very nervous. He's fine to get out of his cage provided you don't hesitate, but once he's out he's cutting the circulation off in my extremities and striking at my face, twisitng himself all around me and just being a spaz, he wags his tail like a dog and often he will smack himself right across the face with it - then he really gets upset when that happens! :p. When I first got him he used to hold on with his tail and thrash around violently like a croc...crazy little guy...lol :p He's improved but is far from docile, and I doubt he will ever come close. But they are like people, they all have different personalities and temperaments, some need more work than others, I've worked with some very calm, manageable BCC and there's mine...lol :p

12-11-02, 11:12 AM
Our female BCC is very calm, does a great imitation of a stick :)
She's a little under 5' and just a wonderfull disposition, even more mellow then our balls.

12-11-02, 11:39 AM
Yeah, this little girl we are probably getting, she seems to have a very naturally sweet, docile temperment. She's not aggressive at all, she just weaves around your fingers, investigates your face, and hair, etc. She's very gentle and patient. I'm not really sure what to do about her housing, though. I recently picked up a large glass display case that seems ideal. I don't know if it's to big to start her on, though. She's just a baby, about 2', so I don't know whether we should customize the great big display case (glass/metal, with plexiglass sliding doors, and the back has two wooden doors-which we were comtemplating using as the bottom...so the sliding plexiglass would be at the top) right away, or start her in a 34gallon. The display case is about 4'long, by 2' high, by 2' deep. At the store, they've got her in a 20gallon. If we were to put her in 34-45gallon, we could use the display case as a larger encloser for our juvie savannah monitor. Anyway...judgement call....which ever would be best for everyone, monitor, snake, etc...Any thoughts?

Ps-sorry if this note seems scetchy/fragmented....it's early yet. Thanks!!!