View Full Version : My beauty wont eat

12-07-05, 01:33 PM
my taiwan beauty wont eat all the conditions are right and hes not gonna shed. He is pretty fat so i was wondering if maybe I should hibernate him. AND if i should what sthe best way to do it. Thanks, Burns

12-07-05, 03:52 PM
Need more info. How old, how big, and how long without eating? How often do you offer food? What is his setup and temps? Live or F/T? What size food items?

12-07-05, 07:30 PM
hes a year old 3ft long he hasnt ate for about two months. I offer him food about every 8 days. I only have a 20 gallon(tall) but im goin after christmas to get a bigger one. He has a nice hide spot,a live plant,a huge water dish,some branches to climb on and a heating pad. I keep him at about 78-82degrees. I feed fresh killed large mice. He was a monster eater but lately hes been really wierd he just runs away and tries to get out of the tank.Thanks for the time,Burns.Hes even taken a couple small-med rats.

12-07-05, 07:52 PM
i had a garter snake once, and i had the same prob as you. at first it loved live pinkies
but all the sudden it changed its mind. So here iam serching around for different foods
at one point i trying minoes. But then i found this web site and it said they like fishing
worms. I went out and got some and they worked. What I`m trying to say is mabe you need to change its food.

12-08-05, 10:32 AM
Likely the season. Even though though the temps are constant, your light-cycles are likely pretty short. The tank is pretty small for him but I doubt that's the problem. As long as his weight is healthy and he keeps hydrated, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You dont need to brumate him. Maybe just reduce the frequency of feeding attempts until he's back on to every 2 weeks or so. If he loses significant weight, that's another story.


12-08-05, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the info . By the way he took a mouse today so im not worried.