View Full Version : where are the Indigos??

11-28-05, 10:38 PM
Hey I'm looking for some Indigo snakes. does anyonre know who had any this year.I'm very interested in these snakes and want the privilege of keeping Americas great serpent.And what about yellow tailed cribos? I would like some info if anyone has any??


11-29-05, 12:43 AM
i know port credit has one juvie (or so i think its like 2 and a half feet) eastern indigo but its like 1250 bucks id rather wait and get a baby

thanx froggy

11-29-05, 09:48 AM
I got both pair, my female yellowtail is gravid and i will try my indigo in a couple of weeks. I know Pat Ding (in Vancouver) female have already breed, Gonesnakee have some and they should breed soon if it's not done, scales zoo have some, and probably more folks have some. So maby a lot of baby Canadian indigo available next year...

11-29-05, 02:21 PM
I am working with 2.2 myself. 1.1 are proven & 1.1 are still too young. In addition to who's been mentioned there is also Dean Goudie & Nett that are working with them as well as other guys out east as well. The $1,250 price is very reasonable. Last asking price here for babies was $1,800 pair (no single females, males around $750ish). I sold a subadult female for $1,200 last year (a screaming deal IMHO) & know of a couple of others that changed hands for around the same price. Mark
P.S. too my knowledge no one had any this year, but someone out east must/may have? not sure where the 1's a t PCPC came from anyway, but they came from somewhere.
P.P.S. Pat probably has Black Tailed Cribos

12-05-05, 10:02 AM
Hehe MarK!
Know what? I put my two male together yesterday for a little fight(5 min) and after i put the winner in my female cage and boom....wish me luck. Baby yellowtail and indigo in the same year...a dream for me(if i'm lucky) :bounce: