View Full Version : New MHS Web Page and Forum!

11-23-05, 11:34 AM
I just thought I would post the links on this site to let some locals that might not be on my email list know about the new forum and web page the MHS has going.

Anyway, here's the link forthe forum: MHS Forum (http://manitobaherp.proboards78.com/index.cgi)

Everyone is welcome, of course, but it is mostly just of us Manitobans way out in the middle of nowhere! :D

And here is a link to the redesigned MHS web page: MHS Web Page (http://www3.mb.sympatico.ca/~cranwill/mhs/index.html)


11-23-05, 03:43 PM
Hey Tim, how is the weather in Winnipeg? Still have the Black King I bought from you last year. Hope your tree gecko's are breeding. Corey

11-23-05, 07:50 PM
It looks really good Tim, nice and easy to look around on, just what I like. For doing it yourself it is quite impressive-Nice Job. Allison

11-23-05, 11:17 PM
Thanks, guys. Corey, the weather sucks... as you would expect! :D

And that was a black ratsnake, not kingsnake. ;) :D