View Full Version : Mould on Snake?

11-17-05, 10:35 PM
I'm posting this in general because it could probably happen to any snake. My snake has this brown stuff on the tip of some of his scales. It kind of hard to get off to. I'm not sure if its dirt or if its more serious. Has anyone else experienced this? Also hes not eating right now, are you guys having the same problem at this time of year?
Thanks for your responces.

11-18-05, 12:55 PM
Likely scale rot or another fungal infection. Caused by being kept too wet or in too dirty of conditions. Sounds sick anyway I'd seek a vet. Mark

11-19-05, 10:24 AM
Thanks for the advice, and i got some other tips from other sources. So he should be ok.

11-20-05, 10:18 PM
Well, what was the problem?