View Full Version : Fat Snakes?

04-11-02, 01:15 PM
How do you tell if a snake is fat? Do they get "mooshy"? I have a sneaking suspicion that my female is a little on the chubby side...

p.s. just thought I'd also mention...I got a striped corn today, I'll put up some pics after he adjusts to the new surroundings. Weirdest thing, I went completely across town because a herp store there had a striped albino and when I get there it's gone, so I'm all dissapointed and I figure, well, might as well stop at the pet store near my place for a look, even though I'd been there a few days before and they only had one anery. corn. I walk in and to my surprise, they have a little stripey guy! Not albino but, boy, was I ecstatic!

04-11-02, 01:47 PM
if the scales seem stretched with skin showing between them, if the creases in their body remain when they change positions and when they have troubles making coils then the snake may be obese.
I don't know about the 'mooshiness' but if you're worried then just feed it a little less often or a smaller meal and see if the body tone improves.
looking forward to pics of your striped corn!:)