View Full Version : what type are my emeralds?

11-13-05, 09:47 PM
i never really thought about it till the other day. but i was telling this guy what snakes i had and when i told him 2 emerald tree boas he asked me what kind and i said hmmmm....i have no idea! so could any one tell me what exactly mine are just so i know. thanks a bunch

oh and this is a really cruddy picture of them but it was the only one that would fit, if you guys need another one ill just edit a better pic to post

11-14-05, 04:43 AM
Although there has been some recent discussion regarding "locality" in emeralds, there is no trustworthy collection data to designate origins of most individuals. So unless you know the country or region of origin, your emeralds are commonly refered to as "northerns".


11-14-05, 09:06 PM
ok, thats fine with me. as long as i have something to call them when somebody else asks. thanks a bunch!