View Full Version : Difficult Shed

11-05-05, 08:23 AM
My bp began his first shed (with me) 2 days ago and is having trouble getting out of the old skin. He's managed to get a few inches of his tail off and some little peices here and there but the majority is still on him. Ive tried soaking him in water and light misting, he has a good rock in his enclosure to get it off. Since I am new to bp's is this normal for them to take a few days IN SHED to get all of the skin off or is there something I should be doing to assist him?? Please let me know, thanks.

11-05-05, 09:40 AM
Keep soaking him and misting. ( warm water ) Some snakes take a little longer to shed...( you'll read in ad's for sale something like "good shedder" "sheds in one piece" etc..not all snakes are such good shedders) What's the humidity like in his enclosure ? I wouldn't advise peeling it off though but when you soak him you can place that rock in the container you're using and perhaps he'll get it off then.

11-05-05, 10:03 AM
After you soak him, you can gently wrap him in a towel and let him slither through it. This should help him remove some of the dead skin. Good luck.

11-05-05, 11:12 AM
thanks guys, warm water soak with a rock and its almost all gone!

11-06-05, 08:48 AM
Just the head now, he cant seem to get it off...should i be worried???

11-06-05, 07:25 PM
Don't panic or anything but you should try and help him get the rest off. Try the towel ( letting him slither through it when hes been soaking ) and make sure that the eyecaps have been removed. Depending on his tempermant you may be able to gently peel off the remaining shed ( CAREFULLY AND GENTLY ) around his head. ( be extremely careful with his eyes.

I still advise waiting another day or 2 before helping him out. Reptiles have been doing this sorta thing for ages and he's probably just taking his time. Keep misting with warm water and definately try using the towel ( let his slither through )

Post again and let us know how it goes.


11-07-05, 08:21 AM
Thanks for all of the info guys I was able to GENTLY remove the skin on his head after another warm water soak and the use of a towel. My bp's temperment is very docile (except when eating) and I had no problem getting it off. Im going to post some new pics of him after a few more meals to show his growth, thanks again.

11-07-05, 03:58 PM
I'd love to see some pics :) and Im glad that you were able to get the shed off.

take care


11-07-05, 05:36 PM
mine went throught the same thing and i followed the advice posted up here. worked great, he just has some on his neck that ill allow him a while longer to get off. my bp hates it when i put him in his soak tub and jumps out in no time.