View Full Version : Snakes
12-07-02, 02:07 PM
Hey i was just wondering how many snakes do some of u own??
:) I have two right now but i want to get more.
I have 2 normal corns both '02 hatchlings, normal phase and het for amelanistic (red albino).
I also have two egyptian tortoises.
I have around 240 corn snakes, 3 salmon boas, 2 albino rosy boa, 2 albino nelson milk, 2 honduran milk, 2 ball pythons, 6 rhino rats, 3 albino emory rats (one is het albino) and I still want
here is what I want for 2003:
1) Purple rosy boa
2) Brazilian Rainbow Boa (well actually working on a deal right now)
3) Red Mangrove
4) Diamond back water snake
5) Hi-white candy cane corn
6) Amber Corns
7) Caramel Corns
8) this is going to go I think that I better
12-07-02, 04:30 PM
WOW wher do u keep all of them and how do u afford to feed them?
I'm a lightweight, just one snow corn, 2 plains garters and one western ribbon snake. I also have 14 bearded dragons, a green iguana, and assorted rescue animals. Right now I'm rehabbing a baby boa that swallowed a rock and needed surgery. It's illegal to keep boids in my county so I'll have to adopt it out once it is recovered so I don't lose my permit.
I have 5 Kingsnakes, and always looking for more.
Simon, how do you care for that many snakes? I think I'd forget who ate and who didn't, let alone having to clean out all the enclosuers!! Man, you have my respect!!! :D
12-08-02, 11:52 AM
Lets see 1:2 Crotalus atrox
0:1 Crotalus mollossus
1:0 Bitis gabonica
0:1 Bci
1:0 Lampropeltis t sinaloae
0:1 Lamp t campbelli
0:1 Lamp g n
1:1 Bco
3:7 Corns (3 amel het charcoal, 1 hypo het anery,
1 ghost, 1 charcoal het amel, 1 blizzard,
2 normals het amel het charcoal, and a
normal motley)
couple of scorps, couple of millipedes, some mantids.
This question gets asked enough that maybe a spot could be made for it in our profile.
12-08-02, 01:32 PM
We have:
1.2 snow corns
1.1 amel corn
1.1 creamsicles
1.0 butter corn
1.0 blizzard corn
1.1 variable kings
1.0 cal king
1.0 albino striped cal king
0.1 mexican black king
1.0 albino yellow/bubblegum rat
1.0 albino jungle corn
1.2 tangerine honduran milks
1.0 peublan milksnake
1.0 mexican milksnake
0.3 common boas
1.1 jungle carpet
1.1 irian jaya carpet
1.0 jungle X coastal carpet
and assorted tanks of comet and fancy goldfish.
mary v.
i don't have as much as mary but as of wednesday we are up to...
2.2 Corn Snakes (0.1 normal, 1.0 snow, 0.1 Amel, 1.0 frosted (amelX))
1.1 Viper Boa (My new babies)
0.1 BCC - Red Tail Boa (Shes a sweety)
1.1 BCI - Common Boas
1.1 Burmese Python (they're getting bigger every day)
1.2 Royal Pythons (they're hungry little buggers)
1.0 Prairie King (he thinks big)
0.1 Speckled King
I have:
1.0 Amelanistic corn
0.2 Snow corn
0.1 Anerythristic corn
0.0.1 Striped normal corn
0.0.1 Cubed/motley amelanistic corn
1.1 Ghost corns
1.0 Ball Python
0.1 Spotted python
1.0 California king
+ around 30 lizards.
I keep all the feeding records on computer.
The ones that I plan to sell I actually write down on a piece of paper and I give those to my customers when they buy the snake.......
feeding....its a bit expensive....especially those boas....they are only hatchlings and they are taking 3 adult mice a week already...and wants more.....(I know that I should switch to rats...but then I just don't have any rats in my o well....maybe when I order next time I'll get rats instead of mice...
12-10-02, 02:17 AM
So Simon how many snakes do you keep together or are they all seperate???
all of them are seperate...I personally don't like keeping snakes together....
(I am not saying that you'll have to do this....just my own way of keeping snakes....I know that there are a lot of people out there that keeps two or more snakes together in one enclosure....I only like one per enclosure...just my preference.....)
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